Welcome to the English page of my website. Unfortunately I don't have the whole website in English, but I hope that you will get most of it anyway. You will find all the basic information below.

Juggling – Entertainment – Circus Arts

Yannic Wettstein is a Street & Circus Performer, who loves to fascinate his audience with a mixture of high-class juggling (up to 7 balls), high unicycle slapstick and dangerous rola-bola artistry. 

Yannic started juggling at the age of nine and has ever since been practising hard to improve his skills. Three years later he joined his dad and together they perform as "Duo Taff Enough" – two times the fun, with two high unicycles and even more balls and clubs in the air. 

show information


Street festivals, on stage, birthday partys, weddings and many more


How long

Street shows: 20 - 35 min.

On stage: 5 - 30 min.



min. 3m x 3m

min. height 3,5m


Technical equipment

I have a small speaker for up to 150 spectators

For a larger audience an adaquate speaker is needed


Everything else can be sorted out


email: info@yannicwettstein.de

mobile: +49 177 369 34 26


33615 Bielefeld


Street-Festivals – on stage – Weddings – Birthdays – and many more